Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vocab Blog 4

1) word: assimilate
    pronunciation: [uh-sim-uh-leyt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to be absorbed
    word used on the web:

2) word: belligerent
    pronunciation: [buh-lij-er-uh nt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: quarrelsome
    word used on the web:

3) word: demeanor
    pronunciation: [dih-mee-ner]
    word origin: Late Middle English
    definition: behavior
    word used on the web:

4) word: denunciation
    pronunciation: [dih-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n, -shee-]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: criticism
    word used on the web:

5) word: dissipate
    pronunciation: [dis-uh-peyt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to scatter
    word used on the web:

6) word: indolent
    pronunciation: [in-dl-uh nt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: unwilling to work
    word used on the web:

7) word: inherent
    pronunciation: [in-heer-uh nt,-her-]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: natural
    word used on the web:

8) word: nonchalant
    pronunciation: [non-shuh-lahnt-, non-shuh-lahnt, -luh nt]
    word origin: French<Latin
    definition: coolly unconcerned
    word used on the web:

9) word: unassuming
    pronunciation: [uhn-uh-soo-ming]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: humble
    word used on the web:

10) word: unilateral
      pronunciation: [yoo-nuh-lat-er-uh l]
      word origin: Neo-Latin
      definition: one-sided
      word used on the web:



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vocab Blog 3

1) word: decorum
    pronunciation: [dih-kawr-uh m, -kohr-]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: proper conduct
    word used on the web:

2) word: espouse
    pronunciation: [ih-spouz, ih-spous]
    word origin: Late Middle English<Middle Frence<Latin
    definition: to speak for
    word used on the web:

3) word: exhilaration
    pronunciation: [ig-zil-uh-rey-shuh n]
    word origin: Late Latin
    definition: liveliness
    word used on the web:

4) word: exorbitant
    pronunciation: [ig-zawr-bi-tuh nt]
    word origin: Late Middle English<Late Latin
    definition: extremely high
    word used on the web:

5) word: extricate
    pronunciation: [ek-stri-keyt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to untangle
    word used on the web:

6) word: facilitate
    pronunciation: [fuh-sil-i-teyt]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: to assist
    word used on the web:

7) word: orthodox
    pronunciation: [awr-thuh-doks]
    word origin: Late Latin<Late Greek
    definition: traditional
    word used on the web:

8) word: rejuvenate
    pronunciation: [ri-joo-vuh-neyt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to give new life to
    word used on the web:

9) word: synchronize
    pronunciation: [sing-kruh-nahyz]
    word origin: Greek
    definition: to coordinate
    word used on the web:

10) word: tenuous
      pronunciation: [ten-yoo-uh s]
      word origin: N/A
      definition: shaky
      word used on the web:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vocab Blog 2

1) word: atrophy
    pronunciation: [a-truh-fee]
    word origin: Middle French<Late Latin
    definition: to waste away
    word used on the web:

2) word: deplore
    pronunciation: [dih-plawr, -plohr]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to condemn
    word used on the web:

3) word: deprivation
    pronunciation: [dep-ruh-vey-shuh n]
    word origin: Medieval Latin
    definition: a deficiency
    word used on the web:

4) word: exacerbate
    pronunciation: [ig-zas-er-beyt, ek-sas-]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to make worse
    word used on the web:

5) word: imperative
    pronunciation: [im-per-uh-tiv]
    word origin: Late Latin
    definition: essential
    word used on the web:

6) word: mitigate
    pronunciation: [mit-i-geyt]
    word origin: Late Middle English<Latin
    definition: to relieve
    word used on the web:

7) word: objective
    pronunciation: [uh b-jek-tiv]
    word origin: Medieval Latin
    definition: open-minded
    word used on the web:

8) word: panacea
    pronunciation: [pan-uh-see-uh]
    word origin: Latin<Greek
    definition: a universal remedy
    word used on the web:

9) word: unprecedented
    pronunciation: [uhn-pres-i-den-tid]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: unheard-of
    word used on the web:

10) word: utilitarian
      pronunciation: [yoo-til-i-tair-ee-uh n]
      word origin: N/A
      definition: practical
      word used on the web:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vocab Blog 1

1) word: chide
    pronunciation: [chahyd]
    word origin: Middle or Old English
    definition: to criticize
    word used on the web:!/

2) word: coalition
    pronunciation: [koh-uh-lish-uh n]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: a partnership
    word used on the web:

3) word: commensurate
    pronunciation: [kuh-men-ser-it, -sher-]
    word origin: late Latin
    definition: consistent with
    word used on the web:

4) word: connotation
    pronunciation: [koh-uh-tey-shuh n]
    word origin: late Middle English<Medieval Latin
    definition: a suggested meaning
    word used on the web:    connotation-80.html

5) word: diabolic
    pronunciation: [dahy-uh-bol-ik]
    word origin: Middle English<Middle French<late Latin
    definition: devilish
    word used on the web:

6) word: dilapidated
    pronunciation: [dih-lap-i-dey-tid]
    word origin: Medieval Latin
   definition: run-down
   word used on the web:

7) word: integral
    pronunciation: [in-ti-gruh l, in-teg-ruh l]
    word origin: Medieval Latin
    definition: essential
    word used on the web:

8) word: noxious
    pronunciation: [nok-shuh s]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: unhealthy
    word used on the web:

9) word: scenario
    pronunciation: [si-nair-ee-oh, -nahr-]
    word origin: Italian<Latin
    defintion: an outline of possible events
    word used on the web:

10) word: yen
      pronunciation: [yen]
      word origin: Americanism<dialectal Chinese<Chinese
      definition: a longing
      word used on the web: