Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Vocab Blog 4

1) word: assimilate
    pronunciation: [uh-sim-uh-leyt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to be absorbed
    word used on the web:

2) word: belligerent
    pronunciation: [buh-lij-er-uh nt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: quarrelsome
    word used on the web:

3) word: demeanor
    pronunciation: [dih-mee-ner]
    word origin: Late Middle English
    definition: behavior
    word used on the web:

4) word: denunciation
    pronunciation: [dih-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n, -shee-]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: criticism
    word used on the web:

5) word: dissipate
    pronunciation: [dis-uh-peyt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to scatter
    word used on the web:

6) word: indolent
    pronunciation: [in-dl-uh nt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: unwilling to work
    word used on the web:

7) word: inherent
    pronunciation: [in-heer-uh nt,-her-]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: natural
    word used on the web:

8) word: nonchalant
    pronunciation: [non-shuh-lahnt-, non-shuh-lahnt, -luh nt]
    word origin: French<Latin
    definition: coolly unconcerned
    word used on the web:

9) word: unassuming
    pronunciation: [uhn-uh-soo-ming]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: humble
    word used on the web:

10) word: unilateral
      pronunciation: [yoo-nuh-lat-er-uh l]
      word origin: Neo-Latin
      definition: one-sided
      word used on the web:



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