Friday, March 22, 2013

Vocab 7

1) word: edification
    pronunciation: [ed-uh-fi-key-shuh n]
    word origin: Middle English<Latin
    definition: moral improvement or guidance
    pg. 138
    sentence: "Still, everything he read he passed along to me, but with this difference: formerly, because he thought I'd like it; now, for my edification and instruction.
    word used on the web:

2) word: morphodite
    pronunciation: [mor-fo-dyte]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: shortened version of a hermaphrodite
    pg. 138
    sentence: "You damn morphodite, I'll kill you!"
    word used on the web:

3) word: tentative
    pronunciation: [ten-tuh-tiv]
    word origin: Medieval Latin<Latin
    definition: unsure
    pg. 139
    sentence: "Jem made a tentative sweep under the bed."
    word used on the web:

4) word: fortitude
    pronunciation: [fawr-ti-tood, -tyood]
    word origin: Middle English<Latin
    definition: mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty
    pg. 142
    sentence: "He bore with fortitude her Wait Til I Get You Home, Your Folks Are Out of Their Minds Worryin', was quite calm during That's All the Harris in You Coming Out, smiled at her Reckon You Can Stay One Night, and returned the hug at long last bestowed upon him."
    word used on the web:

5) word: placid
    pronunciation: [plas-id]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: pleasantly calm
    pg. 144
    sentence: "It had been a placid week: I had minded Aunty; Jem had outgrown the treehouse, but helped Dill and me construct a new rope ladder for it; Dill had hit upon a foolproof plan to make Boo Radley come out at no cost to ourselves (place a trail of lemon drops from the back door to the front yard an he'd follow it, like an ant).
    word used on the web:

6) word: begrudge
    pronunciation: [bih-gruhj]
    word origin: Middle English
    definition: to be reluctant to give
    pg. 145
    sentence: "Trial'll probably be Monday. You can keep him one night, can't you? I don't think anybody in Maycomb'll begrudge me a client, with times this hard."
    word used on the web:

7) word: ominous
    pronunciation: [om-uh-nuh s]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: threatening
    pg. 146
    sentence: "There was a murmur among the group of men, made more ominous when Atticus moved back to the bottom front step and the men drew nearer to him."
    word used on the web:

8) word: linotype
    pronunciation: [lin-o-type]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: a typesetting machine operated from a keyboard that casts and entire line as a single slug of metal.
    pg. 148
    sentence: "It was said that he made up every edition of The Maycomb Tribune out of his own head and wrote it down on the linotype."
    word used on the web: 

 9) word: eccleiastical
     pronunciation: [ih-klee-zee-as-ti-kuh l]
     word origin: Late Middle English
     definition: churchly
     pg. 150
     sentence: "Its fantasy was heightened by its red brick facade and the thick steel bars at its ecclesiastical windows."
     word used on the web:

10) word: acquiescence
      pronunciation: [ak-wee-es-uh ns]
      word origin: N/A
      definition: agreement without objection
      pg. 152
      sentence: "We were accustomed to prompt, if not always cheerful acquiescence to Atticus's instructions, but from the way he stood Jem was not thinking of budging."
      word used on the web:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Vocab 6

1) word: assuaged
    pronunciation: [uh-sweyj, uh-sweyzh]
    word origin: Middle English<Old French<Vulgar Latin
    definition: to relieve
    page 3
    sentence: "When it healed,and Jem's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was        seldom self-conscious about his injury.
    word used on the web:

2) word: imprudent
    pronunciation: [im-prood-nt]
    word origin: Middle English<Latin
    definition: not cautious
    page 5
    sentence: "...from the alleged wrongful detention of a mare, were imprudent enough to do it in the presense of 3 witnesses, and insisted that the-son-of-a-bitch-had-it-coming-to-him was a good defense for anybody.
    word used on the web:

3) word: condescend
    pronunciation: [kon-duh-send]
    word origin: Middle English<Late Latin<Middle French
    definition: to assent
    page 15
    sentence: "Jem condescended to take me to school the first day, a job usually done by one's parents, but Atticus had said Jem would be delighted to show me where my room was."
    word used on the web:

4) word: sentimentality
     pronunciation: [sen-tuh-men-tal-i-tee]
     word origin: N/A
     definition: a sentimental act
     page 19
     sentence: "In Calpurnia's teaching, there was no sentimentality: I seldom pleased her and she seldom rewarded me."
     word used on the web:

5) word: entailment
    pronunciation: [en-teyl-muh nt]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: something implied by something else
    page 21
    sentence: "Entailment was only part of Mr. Cunningham's vexations."
    word used on the web:

6) word: vexation
    pronunciation: [vek-sey-shuh n]
    word origin: Middle English<Latin
    definition: a cause of annoyance
    page 21
    sentence: "Entailment was only part of Mr. Cunningham's vexations."
    word used on the web:

7) word: dispensation
    pronuncation: [dis-puh n-sey-shuh n, -pen-]
    word origin: Middle English<Medieval Latin<Late Latin<Latin
    definition: distribution
    page 23
    sentence: "Jem's free dispensation of my pledge irked me, but precious noontime minutes were ticking away."
    word used on the web:

8) word: diminutive
    pronunciation: [dih-min-yuh-tiv]
    word origin: Middle English<Medieval Latin
    definition: small
    page 27
    sentence: "He was among the most diminutive of men, but when Buris Ewell turned toward him, Little Chuck's right hand went to his pocket."
    word used on the web:

9) word: monosyllabic
    pronunciation: [mon-uh-si-lab-ik]
    word origin: Medieval Latin<Late Latin<Greek
    definition: very brief
    page 28
    sentence: "My replies were monosyllabic and he did not press me."
    word used on the web:

10) word: auspicious
      pronunciation: [aw-spish-uh s]
      word origin: Latin
      definition: prosperous
      page 32
      sentence: "The reminder of my schooldays were no more auspicious than the first."
      word used on the web:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Vocab 5

1) word: analogy
    pronunciation: [uh-nal-uh-jee]
    word origin: Latin<Greek
    definition: comparison
    word used on the web:

2) word: annihilate
    pronunciation: [un-nahy-uh-leyt]
    word origin: Middle English<Late Latin
    definition: to wipe out
    word used on the definition:

3) word: criterion
    pronunciation: [krahy-teer-ee-uh n]
    word origin: Greek
    definition: a standard
    word used on the web:


4) word: emanate
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to come out
    word used on the web:

5) word: holistic
    pronunciation: [hoh-lis-tik]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: concerned with the whole
    word used on the web:

6) word: placebo
    pronunciation: [pluh-see-boh]
    word origin: Middle English<Latin
    definition: a fake medication
    word used on the web:

7) word: proficient
    pronunciation: [pruh-fish-uh nt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: highly competent
    word used on the web:

8) word: staunch
    pronunciation: [stawnch, stahnch]
    word origin: Late Middle English<Middle French
    definition: faithful
    word used on the web:

9) word: subversive
    pronunciation: [suh b-vur-siv]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: intended to destroy
    word used on the web:

10) word: vindicate
      pronunciation: [vin-di-keyt]
      word origin: Latin
      definition: to prove innocent
      word used on the web: