Thursday, March 7, 2013

Vocab 5

1) word: analogy
    pronunciation: [uh-nal-uh-jee]
    word origin: Latin<Greek
    definition: comparison
    word used on the web:

2) word: annihilate
    pronunciation: [un-nahy-uh-leyt]
    word origin: Middle English<Late Latin
    definition: to wipe out
    word used on the definition:

3) word: criterion
    pronunciation: [krahy-teer-ee-uh n]
    word origin: Greek
    definition: a standard
    word used on the web:


4) word: emanate
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to come out
    word used on the web:

5) word: holistic
    pronunciation: [hoh-lis-tik]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: concerned with the whole
    word used on the web:

6) word: placebo
    pronunciation: [pluh-see-boh]
    word origin: Middle English<Latin
    definition: a fake medication
    word used on the web:

7) word: proficient
    pronunciation: [pruh-fish-uh nt]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: highly competent
    word used on the web:

8) word: staunch
    pronunciation: [stawnch, stahnch]
    word origin: Late Middle English<Middle French
    definition: faithful
    word used on the web:

9) word: subversive
    pronunciation: [suh b-vur-siv]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: intended to destroy
    word used on the web:

10) word: vindicate
      pronunciation: [vin-di-keyt]
      word origin: Latin
      definition: to prove innocent
      word used on the web:

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