Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fahrenheit 451 Vocab 1

1) word: refracted
    pronunciation: [ri-frakt-id]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: to reflect light   
    pg. 11
    sentence: "Impossible; for how many people did you know who refracted their own light at you?"
    word used on the web:

2) word: coattails
    pronunciation: [koht-teylz]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: the back of the skirt on a man's coat or jacket
    pg. 17
    sentence: "Everyone using everyone else's coattails."
    word used on the web:

3) word: lozenge
    pronunciation: [loz-inj]
    word origin: Middle English<Middle French<Old French
    definition: a small, flavored tablet
    pg. 18
    sentence: " 'I don't know anything any more,' he said, and let a sleep lozenge dissolve on his tounge."
    word used on the web:

4) word: proboscis
    pronunciation: [proh-bos-is, -kis]
    word origin: Latin<Greek
    definition: a nose   
    pg. 25
    sentence: "Three seconds later the game was done, the rat, cat or chicken caught half across the areaway, gripped by gentling paws while a four-inch hollow steel needle plunged down from the proboscis of the Hound to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine."
    word used on the web:

5) word: procaine
    pronunciation: [proh-keyn]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: spinal anesthetic
    pg. 25
    sentence: "Three seconds later the game was done, the rat, cat or chicken caught half across the areaway, gripped by gentling paws while a four-inch hollow steel needle plunged down from the proboscis of the Hound to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine."
    word used on the web:

6) word: proclivities
    pronunciation: [proh-kliv-i-tee-z]
    word origin: Latin
    definition: natural tendency
    pg. 33
    sentence: "Were all fireman picked then for their looks as well as their proclivities?"
    word used on the web:

7) word: cellophane
    pronunciation: [sel-uh-feyn]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: a transparent, paperlike product of viscose, impervious to moisture, germs, etc., used to wrap and package food, tobacco, etc.
    pg. 33
    sentence: "Captain Beatty there, rising in thunderheads of tobacco smoke, Beatty opening a fresh tobacco packet, crumpling the cellophane into a sound of fire."
    word used on the web:

8) word: rollick
    pronunciation: [rol-ik]
    word origin: N/A
    definition: to act in a carefree manner
    pg. 36
    sentence: "Next thing they were up in musty blackness swinging silver hatchets at doors that were, after all, unlocked, tumbling through like boys all rollick and shout."
    word used on the web:

9) word: centrifuge
    pronunciation: [sen-truh-fyooj]
    word origin: French<Neo-Latin
    definition: an apparatus that rotates at high speed and by centrifugal force, separates substances of different densities, as milk and cream.
    pg. 45
    sentence: "When it was all over he felt like a man who had been thrown from a cliff, whirled in a centrifuge, and spat out over a waterfall that fell and fell into emptiness and emptiness and never....."
    word used on the web:

10) word: cacophony
      pronunciation: [kuh-kof-un-nee]
      word origin: Neo-Latin<Greek
      definition: frequent use of discords of a harshness and relationship difficult to understand
      pg. 45
      sentence: "You drowned in music and pure cacophony."
      word used on the web:

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